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ABout Juliana

Juliana is a scientific illustrator and lecturer with masters degree in scientific illustration from Maastricht University and Zuyd University. With her background in anatomy, skeletal reconstruction, and her experience with human and animal dissection Juliana’s images are accurate and engaging for viewers from student to scientist.

Her illustrations are found in places such as The Journal of Comparative Biology, Frontiers in Zoology, the documentary “Strong as a Bear,” Squam Lakes Science Center, NHPR, The Lake Champlain Science Center, and many more .


NHPR Collaboration

Juliana created an illustration that was paired with New Hampshire Public Radio’s “Something Wild”


Documentary Feature

Juliana’s illustrations are animated and featured in the international documentary dedicated to the fascinating adaptations of the Scandinavian brown bear Ursus arctos.


“Graphics are becoming increasingly important for scientists to effectively communicate their findings to broad audiences, but most researchers lack expertise in visual media. We suggest collaboration between scientists and graphic designers as a way forward…”

—Nature Magazine, 2019

Collaboration with Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

Collaboration with Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens